- 5311 Mini Display Port to HDMI Adapter ($14.25)
From Apple:
- Apple IR Remote (you may have this already)
- Buy the new Mac mini and upgrade the memory yourself. Not as hard as everyone says.
- Get the mini Apple wireless keyboard and a mouse, or just use screen sharing from another Mac (works great).
- If you have
a lot of media you will need enough storage for the media plus backups.
- Drobois expensive but simple.
- To stop the apple remote controlling your other macs you will need to either pair the remote or disable IR on the other macs: System Preferences -> Security
* Perian (codec and video support)
* SIlverlight (required for Netflix)
or just install Netflix from the website by starting a watch it now movie.
* Plex (media center software)
- Setup Display:
- You can do this at the OS level but it is tricky and for me I just could not get working with my Onkyo receiver. If you want to try then follow this guide
- Otherwise you can do just for Plex which works fine for me: Preferences -> System -> Display Calibration
- Setup Remote:
- Set remote mode to Always Running so remote starts Plex and not Front Row: Preferences -> System -> Input Devices
- Add Weather App:
- Preferences -> Skin -> Home
- Add applications from Plex App Store:
-Hulu, YouTube, Netflix, Vimeo, etc.
- Add your content
- Movies:
- I use iso images for all my movies. Simple, full quality, easy to write to
DVD for the car and a single file.
- Put movies in their own folders and make sure the folder name and
movie name match.
- Name all
your movies: moviename (YEAR).extension
- You don't have to provide coverart as Plex will go looking for it. If you
are worried about quality then grab your own.
- Tip for adding coverart: Rename in Get Info and not in Finder window
as the extension must be .tbn and match movie name exactly
For example:
Batman Begins (2005)
|-Batman Begins (2005).iso
|-Batman Begins (2005).tbn
- TV Shows:
- One show per folder, folder names matter, make names match tvdb
- If your show does not exist on tvdb then it will not be added to the
library view. Simple fix is to add the show to tvdb yourself
- Rescanning will not pick up changes on tvdb to previously added
programs. You can remove a single show by selecting it in the library
and holding the menu button. Then just rescan for new content.
From this menu you can also change the artwork if there are multiple
- You will notice in library view that not all episodes have thumbnails.
These do not need to be pulled from tvdb and can be auto generated
by Plex. The trick is you need to view the show in file mode to force this.
(If anyone knows a better way let me know)
- Music:
- iTunes is automagically picked up as a source and works great.
- Change to Now Playing Visualization (won't induce an epeleptic fit or
require you to be on drugs to enjoy)
- Change to Cover Art view for albums to emulate iTunes look and feel
- You can add a new source to be imported. I added 24/96 Flac encodes
and they worked perfectly first time and sound incredible too. Put the
cover art in the same folder, name it cover.jpg and it will get picked up.
You can get some samples here:
- Subtitles:
- Disable from the audio icon while playing a video (non-intuitive)
- RSS Feed:
- Add your favorite feeds to the scrolling ticker by editing this file and following these guidelines:
~/Library/Application Support/Plex/userdata/RssFeeds.xml
Very nice information. But do you have pictures too of the setup?
Added some Plex screenshots and at some point may get around to adding some screenshots for specific setup steps.
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